

Lalage Beaumont’s designer tote handbags are the perfectly stylish choice for your everyday business bag needs. Handcrafted by skilled artisans in Spain and Italy, the leather tote handbags are available either in luxurious croc print or palmellato print calf leather. Ideal for shopping trips as well as business meetings and for those of us who just have to carry around a bit more - our large tote handbags are spacious and incredibly chic.

The name of this bag refers to its primary function rather than its shape; to 'tote' means to carry items around so this style perfectly fits the bill. It has a spacious internal compartment with two large zip pockets, ideally sized to fit a tablet, laptop or A4 folder; there is also a smaller zip pocket and three open pockets so there's plenty of space for all of your day-to-day essentials. The tote bag handles are designed so that the bag can be carried over the arm, or worn over the shoulder if that's what you prefer. When it came to the creation of her designer tote bags, Lalage was inspired by her own needs and those of other working women. Noticing that many of the bags in other ranges were either sizeable or stylish but very rarely both, design inspiration came from famous vintage styles of the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s, given a modern twist within her own tote bag range. So that you keep your leather tote handbag in perfect condition for as long as possible, we recommend that you keep it out of direct sunlight and avoid high humidity. The leather should be kept away from water, oils and perfume.